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8Feb, 2016

Bacterial Introduction

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The human microbiome is pretty much the coolest discovery of the 21st century. It has been an amazing era for me, as a scientist, but also a student of functional and naturopathic medicine to finally see the science identifying the interactions between our immune system and the trillions of bacteria and yeast that make up our microbiome. The human microbiome project, launched in 2008, has set the stage for a whole new paradigm of medical knowledge. But when I started practising medicine in 2005 as a resident, I was already […]

29Jan, 2016

Methanogens and Constipation

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This is a very good interview outlining the critical research of Dr Pimentel on Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, with specific attention to constipation and methane gas production in the intestine. Dr Pimentel associates 90% of people suffering with constipation to methane forming bacteria in the intestine! What this means is that constipation can be completely cured by methanogen bacterial eradication or re-balancing methane forming bacteria. The interview also outlines the critical importance of breath testing in the detection of methane, with constipation problems occurring with as little as 3 parts […]

9Jan, 2016

What Does SIBO Cause? – Anatomy

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The first part of the small intestine is called the duodenum. This part of the intestine is only about 30 cm long and is differentiated visually by the narrow opening from the stomach which is known as the pyloric sphincter. A sphincter to the average person is the punch line to a bad joke, but in actual fact it is a critical bit of anatomy that acts as an electrical barrier as well as a anatomical barrier between structures. The electrical barrier is in place to isolate contractions to one […]