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4Mar, 2018

What Bacteria Cause SIBO? Hydrogen Sulphide

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The infamous high hydrogen sulphide SIBO condition is thought to be the most notorious of all the SIBO based conditions, mainly because there is no reliable test to measure the extent of hydrogen sulphide producing SIBO present. High hydrogen sulphide can also produce a significant amount of symptoms and cause a major problem with our detoxification system leading to a host of potential health concerns. Hydrogen sulphide is reported by the Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) to be very toxic. Where Health Canada reports that although studies of […]

9Feb, 2018

What Bacteria Cause SIBO? Methane

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Archaea, such as Methanobrevibacter smithii are not actually bacteria at all, so perhaps methane based SIBO is not actually the right terminology for this type of overgrowth. Archaea are the predominant methane forming organisms in our digestive systems, but once thought to be bacteria, Archaea are actually prokaryotic organisms, that have features which do not resemble typical bacteria at all, so they have been reclassified from Archaebacteria to just Archaea in recent years. Although these ancient organisms are not the only methane producers in our intestines, with rivals like certain […]

26Jan, 2018

What Bacteria Cause SIBO? Hydrogen

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The Major Players One of the biggest challenges with SIBO is that many bacteria that cause this condition are “normal” residents of our intestines. Bacteria such as Clostridium, E Coli or certain Streptococcus species are actually thought to be some of the most common contributors to SIBO, but because of impaired motility and other contributing factors mentioned above, these otherwise “healthy” bacteria are found to overgrow in the small intestine, resulting in SIBO. Table 1. Major Players associated with hydrogen based SIBO Streptococcus Escherichia coli Bacteroides Staphylococcus Clostridium Micrococcus Klebsiella […]

17Jan, 2018

SIBO Sale!!!

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Right now the SIBO Testing and Treatment Clinic is offering SIBO kits at a cost of $180 CAD each plus shipping. Find out more below! Are you suffering with a digestive problem – bloating, stomach cramps, heartburn or irregular bowel function? Thought about SIBO? …. perhaps now is the time to consider a test! Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a syndrome characterized by the atypical growth of bacteria in the small intestine and it just got easier to test than ever! SIBO is a common disorder that is thought […]

16May, 2016

Biofilms and Autoimmunity

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Autoimmunity is a major interest of mine. I wrote my first published article on the topic nearly 10 years ago (https://ndnr.com/e-version/apr07/apr07.pdf.html), generally outlining what I still believe today is the major causes of autoimmunity. Now with more than 10 year of experience in the management, treatment and complete remission of many autoimmune diseases, including Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Lupus, eczema, asthma, allergies, Fibromyalgia and CFS, among many others, I feel that I have a fairly good handle on the process of autoimmunity. The major […]

30Apr, 2016

Diabetes! – Is it SIBO?

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A recent pear reviewed article published in Nature done by researchers at the University of British Columbia has found a connection between dysbiosis of the microbiome and the onset of Type 1 diabetes. It has already been established that Type 2 diabetes has a microbiome connection and the blood sugar control is related to the bacteria in our intestines, so this news should not be a huge surprise. However, this unique article is the first research of its kind to really identify a connection between antibiotic use, the microbiome, and […]

8Feb, 2016

Bacterial Introduction

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The human microbiome is pretty much the coolest discovery of the 21st century. It has been an amazing era for me, as a scientist, but also a student of functional and naturopathic medicine to finally see the science identifying the interactions between our immune system and the trillions of bacteria and yeast that make up our microbiome. The human microbiome project, launched in 2008, has set the stage for a whole new paradigm of medical knowledge. But when I started practising medicine in 2005 as a resident, I was already […]

29Jan, 2016

Methanogens and Constipation

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This is a very good interview outlining the critical research of Dr Pimentel on Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, with specific attention to constipation and methane gas production in the intestine. Dr Pimentel associates 90% of people suffering with constipation to methane forming bacteria in the intestine! What this means is that constipation can be completely cured by methanogen bacterial eradication or re-balancing methane forming bacteria. The interview also outlines the critical importance of breath testing in the detection of methane, with constipation problems occurring with as little as 3 parts […]

19Jan, 2016

What Does SIBO Cause? – Intro

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The primary “stomach” related symptoms can really depend on the individual and the location of the suspected bacterial overgrowth. For example; SIBO that is higher up in the small intestine (doudenum) may result more in upper digestive dysfunction, such as belching, nausea and heartburn. This is likely do to the bacteria impacting stomach emptying or gas production affecting the Vegus nerve, innervating the diaphragm. Although, it is thought that SIBO further down the intestines can also create similar symptoms by impacting the migratory motor complex of the small intestine and […]

9Jan, 2016

What Does SIBO Cause? – Anatomy

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The first part of the small intestine is called the duodenum. This part of the intestine is only about 30 cm long and is differentiated visually by the narrow opening from the stomach which is known as the pyloric sphincter. A sphincter to the average person is the punch line to a bad joke, but in actual fact it is a critical bit of anatomy that acts as an electrical barrier as well as a anatomical barrier between structures. The electrical barrier is in place to isolate contractions to one […]